Monday, 4 May 2020

Mammogram’s Role Is Ascertaining The Dense Breast Tissue

As the breast density refers to the difference in amount of fibrous and glandular tissues and amount of fatty tissues, it needs to be ascertained with the help of certain tests.
These amounts are seen on a mammogram. 
A mammogram result formulates a mammography report which aids in analyzing the amount of density of breast. It does this by categorizing breast density into one of the four categories i.e. there are four probabilities. These are:

Entirely non-dense breasts: It refers to the situation when breasts are entirely fatty and there are no definite empty spaces in the breast. It is in about 10% of women.
Density scattered through the breasts: About 40% of the women face this situations. There is a significant amount of density in the breasts however this density is unevenly distributed. Hence, at certain spots, there might be some empty spaces.
Evenly dense breasts: Found in about 40% of women, density is evenly distributed throughout the breasts in this situation.
Extremely dense breasts: Ten percent of women face this situation in which there are so many empty spaces in the breasts which are left unfilled by fatty tissues.

The first two categories show no density or low-density while the rest show dense or high-density breasts.

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