Tuesday, 29 December 2020

5 Things, Important To Know About Dense Breast

According to a study in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, it is been estimated that women with an age 40-74 hold 43% chances of having breast cancer. The reason is dense breast. There are women also who ignore this issue, but the study explains here how much deadly it is, to ignore the dense breast tissue. 

 Precaution is said to be the best cure, and here in this blog, I will tell you 5 things which you need to be informed about the dense breast.

  1. You cannot judge that if you’ve dense breasts or not according to the shape, size, and firmness of your breast.
  2. Dense breast tissue’s chances tend to increase with younger age. Especially, in the woman with an age between, 35-60 holds higher chances of the dense breast.
  3. Mammography is useful only when the breast density is not very high.
  4. Regular exercising, eating healthy food, avoiding alcohol & smoking can stand you among those who are not affected by the dense breast.
  5. Dense breasts can’t be cured but with the help of precautionary methods and effective treatment its density can be reduced. There are modern treatments like Breast MRI, Breast Ultrasound, TyrerCuzick, proving helpful in figuring out the dense breast problem.

It’s a fight against breast cancer, which we all have to fight with our full heart with a belief that someday we will completely wipe out this disease from the earth.


10 Tips To Be Always Safe From Dense Breast Problem

Dense breast is the most common problem a woman face. The bigger problem than the dense breast is what the dense breast can convert into. The dense breast problem can turn into deadlier breast cancer. The option left here is to be aware and be precautionary and the issue can be resolved.

These are 10 tips to save yourself from the dense breast: -

1. Figure out the breast density. Annual screening and regular visits to the dense breast doctor can be good for you. 

2. Do regular exercise, don’t keep your body store fat.

3. Have an account of your family cancer history, if there is anyone member of your mom or dad’s family suffered from breast cancer, then you should inform your dense breast doctor about that.

4. Minimize radiation exposure from screening tests. ...

5. Consider breastfeeding.

6. Eat only healthy food. Avoid heavy junk food.

7. If you feel swelling or irregular itching in the breast, visit dense breast doctor.

8. If you’re heavyweight? Lose it.

9. Avoid smoking and alcohol.

10. Dense breast tissue in a Woman with an age above 35 are likely to find reasons to increase, so they seriously have to avoid taking birth control pills after reaching that age.




3 Important Dense Breast Treatment To Know About

Breast cancer in a woman is increasing and it is becoming a subject of a deep concern worldwide. Many organizations are fighting as a unit against this. But precaution, as they say, is the best cure. If a woman becomes cautious initially, she can easily fight with the disease. Some treatments can help her through. A dense breast doctor recommends this treatment if the woman feels symptoms of the dense breast: -

Mammography: Mammography is being done by a radiologist to find out the breast abnormalities with the help of a mammogram. A mammogram uses x- rays to see the images under the female breast, which will give the doctor a clear view of the monitor about the dense breast tissue. 

Breast MRI

Breast MRI is a tool which is used to find the breast abnormalities. It is a replacement tool for the mammogram because it gives a good view of the breast by giving a bunch of images that will help the doctor to have a detailed view of the breast.


Tomosynthesis is also known as 3-D Mammography. It gives a 3-dimensional image of the breast which helps the doctor to examine the dense breasts in a detailed manner.

So, these are 3 of the common treatment which is being done for removing breast abnormalities. Be safe, take care!


Saturday, 5 December 2020

5 Treatments for the Dense Breast Problem


Breast density in a female is common. Women having the age of 40 have a high chance of getting diagnosed with breast cancer. The dense breast is a serious issue because its consequence is nothing less than breast cancer. A fight against breast cancer is been fought for quite a time. There are many steps are been taken by the governments of various nations, The World Health Organization and FDA as well. Various treatment is been done to prevent breast cancer in its dense breast stage.


Dense breast

Dense breast refers to the amount of dense tissue in comparison to the fatty tissue. The breast consists of two tissues that are dense tissue and fatty tissues (non-dense tissues) Doctor uses a mammogram to find out the abnormalities in the breasts.  


What is dense breast law?

On 28th March 2019, for the interest of the patients, the FDA announced mammography facilities must include breast density information in reports sent to patients and their physicians. Some important guidelines need to be followed by both the patient and the doctor who is or will do dense breast treatment.


There are various treatment is being done for the dense breast such as: -



Mammography is being done by a radiologist with the help of the mammogram. In which a doctor uses a Mammogram to find out the dense breast in the female. A mammogram uses x- rays to see the images under the female breast, which will give the doctor a clear view in the monitor about the dense breast tissues looks white while fatty tissues look dark. If the breast density is high then it will become very hard for the doctors to find the abnormalities or tumour in the breast through a mammogram, because then they also look white.


Breast MRI

Breast MRI is a tool which is used to find the breast abnormalities. It is a replacement tool for the mammogram because it gives a good view of the breast by giving a bunch of images that will help the doctor to have a detailed view of the breast.



Tomosynthesis is also known as 3-D Mammography. It gives a 3-dimensional image of the breast which helps the doctor to examine the dense breasts in a detailed manner.



TyrerCuzick is a modern tool which is used by the doctors, in which doctors asks a series of questions, which will help the doctor having proper information regarding the treatment.


Breast ultrasound

In Breast ultrasound, doctors use sound waves to do the treatment after finding out the abnormalities in the breast. It is been considered as quite an effective tool for dense breast treatment.  

Friday, 4 December 2020

All You Need to Know About Dense Breast

Dense breast refers to a large amount of dense tissue in comparison to fatty tissue. High breast density can lead to deadly breast cancer. According to U.S. Breast Cancer Statistics. About 1 in 8 U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer throughout her lifetime. 

Dense breast treatment

There are several treatments of the dense breast are available. Though the dense breast cannot be fully cured the density of breast can be reduced. The main challenge comes to a doctor is of finding out the breast abnormalities in the person having dense breast. The breast consists of two tissues, which are dense tissues and non-dense tissue (Fatty tissue). When looking in a mammogram, fatty tissue looks darker and the dense breast tissue looks white. Tumour in the breasts also looks white, which make it even difficult to find out the abnormalities. So, this makes it clear that a mammogram can only be a helpful tool if it is being used at a starting condition. If not mammography, then what will be the treatment of dense breast? 

These are the treatments which are being done by the doctors for the dense breast treatment: -

3-D Mammography: 3-D Mammography is 3-dimensional mammography, which is also termed as Tomosynthesis.

Breast MRI: Breast MRI is a replacement for the Mammography. This treatment is being suggested by the doctors only when the chances of having breast cancer is high. Mostly because it is very costly. MRI uses magnets to create images of the breast. It helps the doctor to create to have a deeper study of the dense breast. These are some conditions in which the doctors recommend breast MRI: -


  • Family history


  • Very high breast density and abnormalities found in the breast.


  • If the mammogram is being unable to find the abnormalities in the breasts.


  • If the patient has a hereditary breast cancer gene mutation, such as BRCA1 or BRCA2.


  • If the patient had radiation treatments to your chest area before age 30.

TyrerCuzick:  It is a modern treatment in which a series of question is being asked by the doctor related to the dense breast issues which will help the doctor to have a perception about the issue.

So, these are some important information regarding dense breast. If you feel any dense breast symptom? You should not make delay in at least having a check-up by the doctor.


Thursday, 3 December 2020

Is Dense Breast Dangerous for a Woman?

 The breast cancer rate is increasing day by day also the fight against it is getting strong. 19.3 Per 100,000 women in Eastern Africa to 89.7 per 100,000 women in Western Europe. In most of the developing regions, the incidence rates are below 40 per 100,000. The question arises here, that what is the cause of breast cancer and why are its rates are increasing? We’ll discuss this in this blog.

 What is the reason for breast cancer?

Breast cancer can also be caused because of family history but the dense breasts are the most considered cause for breast cancer. High breast density leads to breast cancer.

What are dense breasts?

Dense breast refers to the dense tissue in comparison to the fatty tissue while looking in a mammogram. Breast tissue consists of dense breast tissue and fatty tissue. Dense breast tissues refer to when a radiologist sees more dense tissues in the woman's breast in comparison to the fatty tissues. 

What is the treatment for the dense breast?

To find out the abnormalities in the breast and to cure it, Radiologists do several treatments such as: -

  • 3-mammography
  • Breast MRI
  • Breast Ultrasound
  • Tyrer Cusack

So, these are some useful information regarding dense breast tissue.


Dense Breast Awareness

Dense breast refers to the high amount of dense tissue in comparison to the fat tissues while looking at the mammogram. High Breast density in a woman can lead to severe consequences like breast cancer. The breast density in a woman is common. It needs treatments and measures to not let it put any bad effect on a woman. The breast density commonly rises at the age of 40-50 in a woman. 


There are some useful every woman should be aware of the dense breast, which is as follows: -

  • Always have the annual screening of the breast. It will help the radiologist to check if you have any symptoms of breast abnormalities or not.
  • If you feel swelling or pain in the breast, you should consult the doctor.   
  • If you have high breast density in which it isn’t easy for the doctors to find out the abnormalities in the breast then it is a better option to have Breast MRIBreast ultrasound, etc.
  • It will be good if you consult your doctor regularly. Their tips and guidance can give you a good idea about do’s and don’ts.


So, I hope this blog will help you have some awareness about the dense breast.

Dense Breast Treatments One Must Know About

Breast cancer is the most probable consequence of high breast density which says it’s the topic one must not ignore. Breast density in a woman rises when in the breast, the amount of dense tissue rise in comparison to the fatty tissue by seeing through a mammogram. Dense tissue looks white in a mammogram while fatty tissue looks darker. While seeing through a mammogram a radiologist’s main task is to find out the abnormalities in the breast. Unfortunately, the tumours also appear to be white which makes it harder for the radiologist to find out the tumour using a mammogram. Thus, they use other tools to find out the dense breast tissue such as 3D Mammography which gives the doctor a 3 dimensional view of the breast’s tissue.


There are some other important treatments such as: -

Tomosynthesis is an imaging or X-ray technique that can be used to screen for early signs of breast cancer in women with no symptoms. It is a modern tool, being used for patients who have symptoms of breast cancer.


Breast MRI: If Mammography isn’t helping much, doctors prefers Breast MRI. It takes multiple images of the breast, which when combined, give a detailed image of the breast and helps to find out the causes of abnormalities. 


TyrerCuzick: It’s a treatment in which a series of question asked to the patient by the doctor, which plays a vital role in the dense breast treatment.


So, these are some useful dense breast treatment one must know about.