Tomosynthesis is considered to be
more advanced than its counterpart as it provides more high-resolution images.
Other reasons include:
Tomosynthesis looks are more than two layers of
the tissue in a 3-dimensional photo. This papers the cracks of the
2-dimensional images obtained by mammograms which miss a lot of details due to
their limitations.
Detection of the early signs of a serious disease
regarding the breast is possible. It helps in early treatment and the
prevention of the condition.
The 3-D modelling of the area will help in detecting
lesions and many other signs, which a typical mammogram result overlooks.
All the false positives which a mammogram result
produces can be confirmed with the help of tomosynthesis. This proves the
accuracy of the method in providing the right answers.
The process of tomography does not require the
breast to be compressed, like in a conventional mammography.
Some advantages of tomosynthesis:
1. Far
better results and analysis for dense tissues in a breast
2. Timely
detection of a health problem before it becomes serious, to avoid complicated
3. More
comfort, as the compression of the breast is avoided
4. Even
without symptoms, breast cancer can be detected with the help of this method.
The similarities between a
tomosynthesis and a mammogram come down to the process and the machinery
involved. The tools used are the same in both techniques and the process is
more or less the same. The difference is apparent from the result, which is
more helpful images thanks to tomosynthesis. The whole process takes only
fifteen minutes and can be recorded and stored digitally on a computer.