In this world, the number of female
suffering is way much more than any other nature’s creature has. Dense breast is the most dangerous out
of them.
It’s been reported that about 50-60
percentage of the woman who ages 40-44 have dense breasts. The figures slide
down as the age increases. (20-30 percentage ages 70-74) Studies have also
shown that woman with a healthy weight has high-chances of the dense breast
than the woman who is obese. But there is no need to panic ladies. These
studies only show that the dense breast is common, and not everyone who has
dense breasts will end up having breast cancer. The thing to concern is breast density. If it rises, then one
should need to worry.
Here, the first thing a woman needs
to do is to first examine by herself that is she is having any symptom of the
dense breast? Here’s how she can find it: -
- Having irregular itching in the breast and
- Feeling pain in the breast
- Family history of dense breasts.
- Having a hereditary breast cancer gene
mutation, such as BRCA1 or BRCA2.
- Overweight.
Other than these, regular breast screening is the best thing a
woman can do to examine the symptoms of the dense breast.
Here is how your dense breast doctor will do to examine your breast
condition: -
The breast consists of milk glands,
milk ducts, and supportive tissues which are also known as dense breast
tissues, and fatty tissue. Mammography
is a treatment in which the radiologist uses Mammograms to find out the
abnormalities in the breast. Mammography is helpful if the breast density is low. But if the cancerous cells are higher then
it will be harder for the radiologist to find out the abnormalities using a
Breast MRI: If Mammography isn’t helping much,
doctors prefers Breast MRI. It takes
multiple images of the breast, which when combined, give a detailed image of
the breast and helps to find out the causes of abnormalities. MRI uses Magnets
to give the radiologist a clear view of the breast and help in finding the
TyrerCuzick: It’s a treatment in which a series of
questions asked to the patient by the doctor, which plays a vital role in the dense breast treatment. In this effective treatment, patients are being asked about their
family history their old habits, and many other things that will let the doctor
have a clear view of her condition.
Breast ultrasound
In Breast ultrasound, the radiologist
uses sound waves to produce pictures of the internal structure of the breast. Ultrasound is the painless method of
screening. It uses a small probe called a transducer and gel placed directly on
the skin. High-frequency sound waves travel from the probe through the gel into
the body.
There is no specific cure of dense breast has been found yet. But we
can reduce it by following a healthy diet and a regular screening.
There is no specific cure of dense breast has been
found yet. But we can reduce it by following a healthy diet and a regular
screening. It’s a long fight. Right now the weapons are limited but we will end
up in winning this batter against the dense breast.